Another Gastronomic Adventure. Cedele

Another gastronomic adeventure
Cedele @ Ngee Ann City
Was quite impressed with their new menu
The main dishes were well cooked and textured
Except for the blueberry cheesecake.
Their portion has reduced and the cheese doesn't have the rich taste anymore. Kinda diluted.

Cammomile Tea with Honey. Great for the rainy day

Wild Strawberry Ice Cream. The strawberries are rich in this ice cream

The lowered standard Blueberry Cheesecake. It didnt taste as creamy as last time.

Sausage Bubble & Squeak

Salmon Black Pepper Alfredo. The salmon was well marinated and cooked. Love it !

Crunchy Crab. The yummy crab that kept me asking for more !

Happy and Satisfied. Where's the next destination ?? :)


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