Architecture. One word. Many definitions.

Architecture has led its way to different parts of the world differently. Some countries has an architectural history of more than 100 years while some are merely 50 years. That, has led to many countries developing their architecture very differently.

From the latest visit to Architours 09, travelling around Singapore in a bus full of designers and architects, I'd learn many different types of architectural thinking that existed in Singapore. I would say not many had impressed me with their explanation of their design ideas. Some are total bull-ish when they explain that their design are accidental and did not know why they did that for. The rationale they gave are totally ridiculous ! "Why did you cut a slit into this wall which a human can barely enter ? ". " Oh ! That was accidental actually. We thought that was ideal so that the aircon can go throught he rooms." I was totally dumb-founded for a moment :S

Well, for architects like Aamer Taher from Aamer Architects, his masterpiece located at Dalvey Estate, Singapore, was a total genius ! The explanation he gave to me when asking about every design intention inside the house was full of knowledge, thinking and respect. Though I was just a young chap, he answered intelligently with full passion towards his designs. He DID put in alot of thought towards his every project. Well, I totally respect this architect. For Sure :)

However, for the other architects in Singapore who designs with no proper intention and just placing boxes and cubes and rearranging them to acquire a 'Design', well, no comments. Different architects would have different rationale and it may only please certain group of people, not others.


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