What the future behold

It's been ages since I last write. I am pretty glad that I've embarked on a new journey building my professional career up the ladder. It's 2012 now and there are many resolutions that I wish to accomplish by end of this year. Well, it's time for a change for a better me before flying off to Tasmania in Feb 2013.

Tasmania. Another hot topic that has always been in my mind. I would frankly say that I am still indecisive about where or what I want to do in the future. Be an architect ? A businessman ? A Forex trader ? There are many routes and path that I would love to take. An architect would be a dream come true for me. A hectic lifestyle, stress and heavy workload are definitely camouflaged behind the glamorous profession of an architect.

I had a good jog with a childhood buddy who wished to walk the same path as me, as an architect, in the future. He too, had qualms about pursuing architecture. We do understand the sentiments we have to encounter and the long career path one has to take in order to be a principal architect or at least a senior planner. Well, the bottomline is, nothing comes easy in this life. If you want it, you gotta go and get it.

On another thought, I really wonder what's my love luck will be for this year. Like I say previously, I always believe that if you want something, you gotta go and get it. But even if I dont get what I want at the end of the day, I have no regrets :)

Well, I hope light shines in my path and brighten up my future. It's tough to be in my spot now having to decide which Bachelor Programme I wish to embark on. 3659 more days to decide. Wish me luck :)


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