Another new green project

Another new green project
Experimenting with different frewater plants of various difficulty levels
Cabomba Carolinianas
Glossostigma Elatinoides
Ludwigia Glandulosa
Vallesneria Nana
Hydrocotyle Verticillata

Getting ready for plantation..

Happy discus hiding between the plants..

Readjusted the position of CO2 diffuser and filter output to create a proper flow and minimum surface turbulence to allow maximum CO2 diffusion into the water..

After few hours of shopping and plating, finally its done :)
Some beautiful Nymphaea lotus at the centre with some anubias at both sides and Vesicularia Dubyana (Christmass moss) tied to the driftwoods. Some trimming were done before planting

A small nano tank experimenting with some plants..


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